Bios Ceramics is the most advanced, exclusive generation of bioactive ceramics for certified, eco-compatible architectural applications, with antibacterial and self-cleaning properties and the ability to reduce pollutants. The production is divided into two highly specialised treatments with continually improving performance: Bios Self-Cleaning® and Bios Antibacterial®, able to respond to all kinds of requirements for applications indoors and outdoors, depending on the specific conditions of use. In over 20 years of experimentation, this diversified offer, available across a variety of products, has made it possible to meet the creative requirements of designers and customers all over the world, thanks to the sophisticated finishes and the different formats available throughout the entire Casalgrande Padana product range.
Bios Ceramics is the most advanced, exclusive generation of bioactive ceramics for certified, eco-compatible architectural applications, with antibacterial and self-cleaning properties and the ability to reduce pollutants. The production is divided into two highly specialised treatments with continually improving performance: Bios Self-Cleaning® and Bios Antibacterial®, able to respond to all kinds of requirements for applications indoors and outdoors, depending on the specific conditions of use. In over 20 years of experimentation, this diversified offer, available across a variety of products, has made it possible to meet the creative requirements of designers and customers all over the world, thanks to the sophisticated finishes and the different formats available throughout the entire Casalgrande Padana product range.
Bios Self-Cleaning
The Bios Self-Cleaning® treatment has been used for ventilated façades and cladding for over 14 years. Thanks to the special Hydrotect® technology, when the Bios Self-Cleaning® treatment comes into contact with sunlight, it triggers a reaction able to eliminate not only bacteria, but especially the pollutants in the air. It breaks down dirt that has settled on the surface of the tiles, so that it can be removed by rainwater, thanks to the superhydrophilicity of the ceramic material. Bios Self-Cleaning® is able to team the renowned aesthetic and performance characteristics of porcelain stoneware coverings with an ability to drastically reduce the cleaning and maintenance operations required for the surfaces, thus guaranteeing significant savings and the maintenance of the aesthetic and material quality of buildings.
Bios Antibacterial
Bios Antibacterial® is the exclusive silver-based treatment Casalgrande Padana applies to its tiles, and which is able to eliminate 99% of the bacteria present on the ceramic surface. The antibacterial capacity is permanently incorporated into the tiles, and is active at all times, both in the presence of light and in the dark, and unlike many products marketed as antibacterial, it does not require UV rays for activation. In practice, the elimination of 100% of bacteria cannot be guaranteed, so researchers worldwide have set the efficacy threshold at over 90%, because only at these levels can a really significant reduction of bacteria be recorded. Therefore, the scientific community does not take values below this 90% threshold into consideration, so products that do not reach this level cannot be defined antibacterial.
AIT Innovation Award Architecture and Building Essen AIT e xia Intelligente Arch
Bios Antibacterial Ceramics®
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Bios Antibacterial Ceramics®
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Bios Antibacterial Ceramics®
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Categories | Building Products: Facades Bios Self-Cleaning
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Bios Antibacterial Ceramics®
Bios Self-Cleaning®
Bios Antibacterial Ceramics®